Barbarian is a horror thriller movie made in America in 2022. The film is written and directed by Zach Cregger in his first time writing and directing a movie. It is produced by Arnon Milchan, Roy Lee, Raphael Margules, and J.D. Lifshitz. The movie stars Georgina Campbell, Bill Skarsgård, and Justin Long. The story is about a woman who rents a home but finds out it has been double-booked by a man. She has no idea that the house has a dark secret.
Barbarian premiered at San Diego Comic-Con on July 22, 2022. It was released in theatres across the United States on September 9, 2022, by 20th Century Studios. Critics liked the movie, and the audience enjoyed it too. They appreciated Zach Cregger's work in writing and directing the movie, as well as the performances of the cast. Barbarian earned $45 million all over the world, and the production budget was between $4 and $4.5 million.
In summary, Barbarian is a horror thriller movie that premiered in 2022. It was written and directed by Zach Cregger and produced by a group of people. The movie stars Georgina Campbell, Bill Skarsgård, and Justin Long. Barbarian was praised by critics and audiences, and it made $45 million all over the world, which was impressive considering the low production budget.