"No Sudden Move" is a 2021 crime thriller film directed by Steven Soderbergh. The movie is set in 1954 Detroit and revolves around a group of criminals who are hired for a seemingly simple job. However, their plan takes an unexpected turn, leading to a complex web of deception and danger. The story explores themes of greed, betrayal, and the consequences of being caught in a high-stakes criminal conspiracy.
The film follows Curt Goynes, played by Don Cheadle, and Ronald Russo, portrayed by Benicio del Toro, as they team up with two other criminals to carry out a heist. Their mission is to hold a family hostage while they retrieve a valuable document. However, as the situation escalates, they find themselves entangled in a perilous game of double-crosses and power struggles.
"No Sudden Move" boasts a star-studded ensemble cast, including David Harbour, Jon Hamm, and Brendan Fraser. The movie captures the atmosphere of the era with its stylish production design and period-appropriate costumes. Soderbergh's masterful direction, combined with the gripping performances and intricate plot twists, keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The film received critical acclaim for its engaging storytelling and its exploration of the dark underbelly of the criminal world.