Armageddon is a 1998 American science fiction disaster film directed by Michael Bay. The movie follows a group of deep-core drillers who are recruited by NASA to stop a giant asteroid from colliding with Earth and causing a global catastrophe. The team, led by Harry Stamper, must travel to the asteroid, drill a hole in its surface, and detonate a nuclear bomb to split it in two.
As the team prepares for the mission, they must confront personal and professional challenges, including conflicts with each other and the pressures of the mission. Along the way, they encounter unexpected obstacles and setbacks, but they persevere and ultimately save the world from destruction.
The film features an all-star cast, including Bruce Willis as Harry Stamper, Ben Affleck as A.J. Frost, and Liv Tyler as Harry's daughter, Grace. Armageddon was a commercial success, grossing over $553 million worldwide. While it received mixed reviews from critics, the movie is beloved by many for its thrilling action sequences, emotional performances, and epic soundtrack. Armageddon remains a classic science fiction film and a testament to the power of human determination in the face of disaster.