Sin City is a 2005 American neo-noir crime anthology film directed by Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez. The movie is based on Miller's graphic novel series of the same name and features a series of interconnected stories set in the fictional city of Basin City. The film explores themes of crime, corruption, and revenge, and features an ensemble cast of characters, each with their own dark and twisted story.
The film's distinctive visual style was achieved through the use of digital technology and green-screen effects, which created a black-and-white world with occasional bursts of color. The film's cast includes Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, and Clive Owen, among others. Sin City was a critical and commercial success, grossing over $158 million worldwide.
The film's themes, characters, and visual style have since become iconic, and the movie has influenced numerous other films and television shows. Sin City is known for its gritty realism, intense action sequences, and moral ambiguity. It is a must-see for fans of neo-noir, crime dramas, and graphic novels, and remains a beloved classic among audiences of all ages.