"Reign of the Supermen" is a 2019 animated superhero film directed by Sam Liu and based on the comic book storyline of the same name. The movie serves as a sequel to the 2018 film "The Death of Superman" and features a world without its beloved hero, as several different characters emerge to try and take Superman's place. These characters include the cyborg Superman, Superboy, Steel, and the Eradicator.
The film follows the aftermath of Superman's death, as the world mourns and these new heroes try to step up and take on the mantle of the Man of Steel. However, not all of them are what they seem, and a greater threat looms over them all. The movie features the voice talents of actors such as Jerry O'Connell, Rebecca Romijn, and Rainn Wilson.
"Reign of the Supermen" received positive reviews from critics, who praised the movie's action sequences, animation, and faithfulness to the comic book source material. The film also served as a tribute to the legacy of Superman, with several characters and storylines paying homage to the character's rich history. Overall, "Reign of the Supermen" is a thrilling and satisfying continuation of the Superman story, showcasing the impact that the Man of Steel has on the world around him, even in death.