CBS Live is a 24-hour cable news channel that provides live coverage of breaking news events, as well as political analysis and opinion programming. The channel features a mix of news anchors and commentators, who discuss and debate current events, often from a neutral perspective. Some of the popular programs on CBS Live include: "CBS This Morning" : A morning news program that features a mix of news, interviews, and lifestyle segments. "CBS Evening News" : A nightly news program that provides in-depth coverage of national and international news, as well as weather and sports updates. "60 Minutes" : A long-running news magazine program that features investigative reports, interviews, and feature stories. "Face the Nation" : A Sunday morning news and public affairs program that features interviews with political leaders, experts, and newsmakers. "CBSN" : A 24-hour digital streaming news service that provides live coverage of breaking news events, as well as original reporting and analysis. These programs provide a well-rounded coverage of national and international news, as well as in-depth analysis of current events.
The Church Channel is the one of most developed US-based Christian television channels. The main idea that stands behind of the channel programming is to encourage all the local American churches to produce religious content by they own and present it on The Church Channel. Those videos vary from simple worship recordings to religious documentaries produced by enthusiastic collectives of most involved churches. Located in Nashville, Tennessee, The Church Channel broadcasts live some worships and schedules of church services of many local churches. In the internet you watch live The Church Channel programming with closed-captions; and here is the sort list of The Church Channel's most popular programs: Prophetic Whisper, Times of Refreshing, Creating Your World, The King Is Coming, Touching Lives, Victorious Living, Pastor Charles Cowan, New Life - Jacksonville, Faith That Lives, Good News Today, Victory in Grace, Love Special, Alternative Health, Life Today, Rabbi Jonathan Bernis - Jewish Voice, Destiny Today, Life Change, Gospel Truth, Paula White Today, Behind The Scenes, Enjoying Everyday Life, Ron Phillips from Abba's House, This Is Your Day, Praise the Lord, Atmosphere for Miracles, Manna-Fest, From His Heart, A Miracle for You, It's Supernatural, Faith Now, The Place for Miracles,World Impact, The Urban Alternative, The Jewish Jesus, Ron Hammonds Presents, Carroll Roberson, Carroll Roberson, Jack Van Impe Presents, This Is Your Day, Times of Refreshing and Bridging the Gap.
A local government television station, KCCG 2 offers excellent coverage of most anything related to politics and local government business in Kansas City, Missouri. On demand video or live streaming is available to interested viewers who wish to keep up with events and local governmental business in the Kansas City, Missouri area from day to day. Look for intelligent and valuable programming like Ask Your Councilmember with hosts Russ Johnson and Beth Gottstein, Straight Talk With the Mayor covering such topics as crime, economic development, and light rail. Youth Beat is a program aimed toward the younger residents and covers such subject matter as the Royals and summer jobs. On Tap discusses smoke tests, weatherizing, and street scapes, also Nordic Wind power which is going to change how we power our lives. KCCG on channel two is produced by the Kansas City Communications Office and available to local cable subscribers in addition to live streaming and VOD or video on demand, which gives the option of choosing which of the many fine programs the viewer wishes to watch from city council meetings to special events related to the KC area.
Rockville 11, or The Rockville Channel is a television channel city community dedicated to cover major events and current affairs of Rockville, Maryland. As the TV channel of one of the biggest cities of Montgomery County, it provides coverage of both local and county news to be broadcasted via the terrestrial station and Internet as Rockville 11 Live. The basic programs of the channel are: County Report, Something Worth Telling, Where We Live: City Behind the Scenes, Mayor & Council Planning and the Commission.
You may not remember hell, you may not even have been born when Marshal McLuhan, a reputable, well-respected scholar, declared television a vast wasteland, bemoaning its hypnotic powers and its capacity for dummying-down important ideas. He was right, of course; he still is. A trip across the three hundred channels is still a lot like a road trip across North America on the I-70: You discover civilization's outposts are far fewer and much further between that you ever imagined, and all the rest is vacancy with road signs. A few of the quirky little roadside attractions are, however, pretty dazzling in their homespun way. For example, try SGTV in Seminole County, Florida. SGTV has just about everything Seminole County except alligator jerky. Naturally, SGTV airs live broadcasts of important government meetings and events, and it features on-demand rebroadcasts of the major policy-making discussions, debates, and votes. Unlike many government stations around the country, though, SGTV offers a full day's programming everyday everything from Jazzercise to environmental tips and tactics. For Seminole County visitors, SGTV offers comprehensive information about local landmarks and attractions, and for everyone in the greater Seminole County area, including its major tourist attractions, SGTV offers comprehensive, detailed weather information. Other channels may frustrate or disappoint, but SGTV is a great little outpost in the vast wasteland.
Port Orange Government TV, or POGTV, broadcasts concerts, games, and parades of Port Orange live. It is the only source for government meetings and disputes to watch live. It is considered that Port Orange Government TV provides the in-time news about various activities and current affairs of actual life of Port Orange Community.
You have to be really old to remember when Spiro Agnew characterized American intellectuals as an effete corps of impudent snobs a mouthful in any age, but pretty accurate despite its prolixity. In those days, the impudent snobs urged, Kill your TV! Today, the snobs' grandchildren have commuted television's death sentence, condemning it instead to life on arcane, esoteric web-enabled channels like OCTT, Channel 13. Think of OCTT, Channel 13, as the official wonk channel, at least as much as the several CSPAN networks. In fact, in the digital age, OCTT may put the belt in beltway, because, if it is on or about or even vaguely related to DC cable television, it is regulated or broadcast by OCTT. Name a Congressional committee, no mater how obscure, and you will find its proceedings on-demand on OCTT. On any random day, you will find everything from the Committee on Human Services to hearings on Government Operations and the Environment. OCTT also manages the District's educational channels, and it offers its own original programming. Tune in every week for programs designed to teach you all about visiting, living in, or working in the nation's capital. OCTT empowers you to be as impudently snobbish as all your hardcore intellectual friends.
Orange TV (or OTV) is government information of Orange County. Orange TV feature diverse programming about government services, activities, and issues of social life of Florida. The common OTV day schedule as for January 2011 was represented by the following programs: To Serve and Protect, Today's Air Force, Army Newswatch, Pet Pals, Orange County Scrapbook, Downtown Orange County, Sport Zone, Saving a Species, Orange County Update, Connecting Neighbors & Neighborhoods, Central Florida Gardening, Central Florida Spotlight, Wellworks Fitness, Orange TV Infochannel, Hot Topics, Listening to Leaders, Wildlife Matters, Living Green, Waterways: Florida Keys, Green Works, Community Cafe, Orange County Update, Central Florida Gardening, F.O.C.U.S. and Notables.
Local programming that covers informative and interesting topics that local residents wish to watch is what local community television is all about and the District of Columbia has an excellent example in their OCTT found on local cable channel 16. When Mayor Vincent Gray hosts his weekly press briefing the media representatives have an opportunity to ask questions of his Honor on a wide variety of topics and pass on that vital information to the viewing audience. Subjects such as how government is being handled in the District. Look for a special series running on how the various local government agencies run including what their mission is in addition to services and other programs relevant to the DC area. Cable Talk provides exciting and informative television about television itself and how it has evolved with the power of cable being so relevant to what is happening locally today. Look for technical experts as well as customer service reps to answer some question posed by local residents and providing the latest in what it takes to bring you what you wish to view, through video on demand. Observe some of the residents who make a difference in the community.
Although it sounds like the premise and setting for a Saturday Night Live skit, the Hernando Web Channel and its complementary website number among the internet's greatest wonders and paradoxes. Hernando County, Florida, is home to only 130,000 people, and the median income hovers just above the poverty line. Donald Trump has almost as many live-in helpers as the city of Hernando, Florida, has residents. Yet the Hernando Web Channel broadcasts loud and clear twenty-four hours a day, rivalling the best, brightest, biggest, and most robust civic sites on the web. Of course, Hernando Web Channel airs all of the county's regular board and commission meetings, taking viewers into the county's corridors of power. More importantly, though, Hernando Web Channel produces some extremely high-quality original programming especially its two newest programs, Behind the Star and Understanding the Law. Two of its most popular programs show the channel's social conscience: Healthy Hernando addresses the whole spectrum of health and medical issues, and Veterans' Voice deals with urgent concerns among the community's veterans of all ages. Hernando may be hidden away along the east side of US Highway 98, but Hernando Web Channel gives the city and county a very big place on the net."