Where to Watch 

The American


The American

The American


The American is a contemplative movie, yet unhurried and relaxed. Anton Korbeyn, who previously filmed only music videos, directed the movie ideally for the Clooney manner of playing. And that he succeeded. "Perhaps the director's fascination with photography was reflected in the "The American". The film is filled with static plans, where the sound is not important. In terms of speech: it is composed of multicolored mosaic of Italian and English, and the latter felt quite out of place, as the killer himself is an American lost somewhere in Italy in a small quiet town. Minor characters are also transmitted perfectly. There are two faces: a prostitute fallen in a true love, and a priest with a dark spot in his heart, that's a circle of acquaintances of the person cannot make friends. "The only thing that stands out from the track is the ending. During the movie could be the same hope for happy ending, or wait for the sad ending, and the result is an incomprehensible jumble. "But "The American" is an excellent movie, which in case you want to look for a second time, did not enjoy the story, or tricks with the shooting, and a serene image with an already old Clooney as the central figure. And in general, it is recommended to all the fans of the actor, as well as connoisseurs of European cinema.

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Anna Miko

Anna Miko enjoys writing more than reading books. But most of all she likes to write movie and series reviews. Being fond of classic cinema, she nevertheless is the author of many research works on contemporary visual arts. She also writes short essays on new movies and series helping others to navigate the world of modern cinema.

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Enter the Void

Enter the Void

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The Sessions

The Sessions

Mark O'Brien is a paralyzed 38-years old journalist who is confined to his iron lung forever, and, one more detail… he is a virgin. Furthermore, all her dreams are about how to have a sexual intercourse with female. After he asks for a beatification his Father Brendan and receives his blessing for the sessions of sexual therapy, he goes for it. Very soon Mark meets Cheryl Cohen Greene, professional sexual therapists, who helps him to discover all the sweets of life and suddenly makes them discover each other. Unexpectedly, six sessions of sexual therapy turns into something more valuable: a passionate and cognitive journey from isolation to spiritual emancipation. The story is loosely based on real life events happened with real Californian journalist who decided to dramatically change his "paralyzed" existence and succeeded. The film premiered on Sundance Film Festival in 2012 and gained mostly positive critics alongside with Audience Award in "Dramatic" category and Special Jury Prize in category "Dramatic Acting - Cast". As for cast ensemble – it represent a perfectly combined blend of true personalities pooled by a genuine chemistry between each other. The leading role of paralyzed writer was acquired by unparalleled John Hawkes, who may be familiar to you by his roles in The Playroom as Martin Cantwell, Arcadia as Tom and Contagion as Roger. Helen Hunt plays his soul mate and the sexual sessions partner, Cheryl Cohen Greene; you may remember Helen as Darcy Maguire in What Women Want, a Nancy Meyers movie, which was filmed in 2000.



