Where to Watch 

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark


Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark


Don't Be Afraid of the Dark is a horror movie that is sure to be a nail bitter. After a socially awkward young girl named Sally Hurst (Bailee Madison) moves into the sprawling estate with her father, Alex (Guy Pearce) and his new girlfriend, Kim (Katie Holmes), she starts to do some exploring. However over time she starts to go deeper into the house she finds a secret doorway. Eventually she manages to gain access to what turns out to be a secret floor. This floor of the house has been undisturbed for nearly a century when the original owner disappeared with evidence of it left behind. As Sally starts to explore this secret floor, she releases monsters that have been trapped since they destroyed the original owner. Now Sally must convince the adults in her world to believe what she discovered to stop the monsters from destroying her and her family. Don't Be Afraid of the Dark will definitely keep you up at night.

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Emily Peacock

Undoubtfully, cinematography has been my passion since a very young age. Even now, watching a new movie or series always prompts me to ask a lot of questions to the author. Thus, every little essay about a title is definitely not a spoiler, but rather an attempt to explore the idea.

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Horror & Suspense
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