Letterkenny is a Canadian television sitcom that was first released in 2016. The show revolves around the small fictional town of Letterkenny in Ontario and its inhabitants, who are divided into various groups, including the farmers, the hockey players, and the "skids." The characters often engage in witty banter and wordplay as they navigate their everyday lives and interact with one another.
The show was created by Jared Keeso and developed by Jacob Tierney, both of whom also star in the series. Letterkenny has been well-received by audiences and critics alike for its unique humor and portrayal of small-town life in Canada. The series has also won several awards, including the Canadian Screen Award for Best Comedy Series in 2017 and 2018.
The show has a devoted fan base and has been praised for its strong writing and character development. It has also been noted for its ability to balance humor with more serious themes, such as addiction and depression. Letterkenny has released nine seasons to date, with a tenth season currently in development.
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