House of Ho is a reality TV show on HBO Max that focuses on the lives of a Vietnamese American family in Houston. The show premiered in December 2020 and has been renewed for a second season, which was released in August 2022. The cast includes Binh Ho, Hue Ho, Judy Ho, Lesley Ho, Washington Ho, Aunt Tina, Cousin Sammy, and several other individuals.
According to a review from The A.V. Club, the show offers a "bleak portrayal of life as a crazy rich Asian." The series offers an inside look at the family's relationships, struggles, and successes. It showcases their experiences as immigrants and how they balance their traditional Vietnamese culture with their American lifestyle.
The second season of House of Ho introduces new cast members, including Kim Ho, Bella Ho, Tran Nguyen, Tammy Gee, Carlton Kon, and Vanessa Kon. With a mix of new and familiar faces, the show continues to provide an intimate look at the lives of this Vietnamese American family in Houston.
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