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Unstoppable is a disaster movie with Denzel Washington played the main character. The scenario was written by Mark Bombeka and the film was directed by Tony Scott. Unstoppable movie also stars Chris Pine and Rosario Dawson in the lead roles. The film tells a story of two railroad workers, who are trying to stop a runaway train with toxic cargo. The plot of Unstoppable movie is loosely based on real stories took place with the "out-of-control" train, in events which occurred May 15, 2001. The action takes place in Pennsylvania on the fictional Allegheny and West Virginia Railroad (AWVR). Story starts at the station Brewster where engineer Frank Barnes (Denzel Washington) and the assistant driver Will Coleson (Chris Pine) work. Although they used to work together, they are significantly different from each other: Frank Barnes - an elderly driver with 28 years experience, while Will Colson - a 27-year-old boy, who had previously held only a 4-month training course. Their task for this day is to lead the locomotive from Melbourne to the north. At first time they are experiencing the difficulties to work together because the age difference but quickly realize that they have similar problems in their personal lives: the complex issues of relationships within the family. "Meanwhile, at the upstate station Fuller freight train delays, and as a result, the result of the hurries it didn't not connected properly to the brake line hose. The situation dramatically runs out of control, as it carries 110,000 liters of highly toxic chemical (phenol), which leakage will surely lead to large-scale environmental disaster. "In this case, a half-mile long train continues to accelerate and already has a rate of about 70 miles per hour. Assistant station Fuller Connie Hooper (Rosario Dawson) directs a group of railway employees in order to intercept the fugitive. The group is a former police officer and Ned Oldham, but at the appointed place the train does not appear, because the duty had been misled about the speed of the train. Meanwhile, Runaway Train miraculously avoids collisions with transporting children excursion train and is now hot on the densely populated territory, simultaneously knocking down all barriers in its path. Police-station towns and management of the road in the face of Oscar Galvin (Kevin Dunn), are making desperate attempts to stop this potential chemical bomb, but all in vain. Emergency ejector scatter in the dust beneath this edifice, but an attempt to stop the train by walking in front of the locomotive suffers a complete failure, as the latter crashes, which killed an experienced machinist. "By chance, to meet the runaway train in one direction the train should be running Barnes and Colson. They barely have time to move onto a side track when the train flies past them Runaway. Head of roads has ordered the Barnes and Coulson drive the train to the nearest station, where the finish work on that day, but the driver and the assistant refused to obey orders and decide uncoupled the locomotive from the cars, catch a dangerous train. Common trouble uniting master and his assistant, after a train carrying toxic waste to be right in Stanton - a city that is home to more than seven hundred thousand people, including the family of Frank and Will. And now it threatens to destroy the city, as the Runaway Train may simply not fit to curves of small radius and crashing into the storage tanks located near waterways. Begins a race against time."

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Anna Miko

Anna Miko enjoys writing more than reading books. But most of all she likes to write movie and series reviews. Being fond of classic cinema, she nevertheless is the author of many research works on contemporary visual arts. She also writes short essays on new movies and series helping others to navigate the world of modern cinema.

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