Superman III is a 1983 superhero film and the third installment in the Superman film series. The film follows the Man of Steel as he battles a supercomputer that has taken over the world and turns his attention to a megalomaniac businessman who plans to use a weather control machine to hold the world for ransom. Meanwhile, Superman's alter ego, Clark Kent, reunites with high school sweetheart Lana Lang, now a single mother, and must contend with his own inner demons.
The film stars Christopher Reeve as Superman/Clark Kent, alongside Richard Pryor as Gus Gorman, a computer programmer who becomes involved with the film's villains, and Annette O'Toole as Lana Lang. The film was directed by Richard Lester and produced by Pierre Spengler, with a screenplay by David Newman and Leslie Newman. Margot Kidder, who played Lois Lane in the previous films, appears in a reduced role due to conflicts with the film's producers.
Superman III received mixed reviews from critics and was a box office disappointment, earning $80 million against a budget of $39 million. The film's lighter tone and emphasis on humor have been criticized for deviating from the series' serious themes, and Richard Pryor's performance as a comedic sidekick has been particularly divisive. Despite its shortcomings, the film has gained a cult following among fans of the Superman franchise and is often cited as a guilty pleasure.
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Zahra Almailady is a wife and mom first but she discovered a passion for cinema and after graduating from UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television she dove into cinematography. Now Zahra writes movie reviews just for fun ad really enjoys it. Zahra loves reading, cooking, and windsurfing. She lives in New Zealand, with her husband two sons, and four cats.
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