"Paparazzi" is a thriller movie released in 2004, directed by Paul Abascal. The movie follows Bo Laramie, a successful actor who becomes the target of an aggressive group of paparazzi. The paparazzi stalk Bo and his family, invading their privacy and causing dangerous accidents in pursuit of the perfect shot.
Bo tries to confront the paparazzi, but they continue to harass him and his family. He takes matters into his own hands, seeking revenge against the paparazzi and their ringleader, Rex Harper. Bo's actions have dangerous consequences, and he must decide how far he is willing to go to protect his family.
The movie explores themes of fame, privacy, and justice. It features intense action sequences and the performances of Cole Hauser as Bo Laramie and Tom Sizemore as Rex Harper. "Paparazzi" received mixed reviews from critics, who praised the action and suspense but criticized the shallow characters and predictable plot. The movie grossed over $16 million worldwide.
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