A 65-th Cannes festival nominee, David Cronenberg's movie ambitiously named Cosmopolis showcases the one day of unpredictable life of young billionaire portrayed by Robert Pattison. The previous movie of David Cronenberg, a biography thriller The Dangerous Method, presented David as perfect mastermind of psycho -packed dramas, and Cosmopolis should not disappoint us. This also applies to Robert Pattison, a brilliant actor, and a rising star of Hollywood, whose mission to play thoughtful young men in the next ten years is apparently predetermined. But, let's go back the movie itself. Set in the Manhattan and filmed during the one month only, Cosmopolis reveals the inner side of richmen's life of New York city. A 28 years old financial prodigy Eric Packer (Robert Pattison) heads up to his hairdresser in super luxury limo rolling down the Manhattan streets. He can hardly imagine how his next 24 hours will turn out in this cosmopolitical metropolis. He'll cheat his wife. He'll be on the edge of losing his wealth and life. You know, everything can happen on the way to barber.
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Undoubtfully, cinematography has been my passion since a very young age. Even now, watching a new movie or series always prompts me to ask a lot of questions to the author. Thus, every little essay about a title is definitely not a spoiler, but rather an attempt to explore the idea.
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