"Batman Returns" is a 1992 American superhero film directed by Tim Burton and produced by Denise Di Novi and Burton. It is the second installment in the Warner Bros. Batman film series and a sequel to the 1989 film "Batman." The film stars Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle/Catwoman, and Danny DeVito as Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin. The film takes place during Christmas time in Gotham City and follows Batman as he tries to stop the Penguin's plans for taking over the city, while also dealing with the emergence of Catwoman.
The film received generally positive reviews for its dark and gothic atmosphere, as well as the performances of its cast. However, it also received criticism for its violent content and deviation from the source material. Despite the mixed reception, "Batman Returns" was a commercial success, grossing over $266 million worldwide.
The film's production design, costumes, and makeup were particularly well-received by critics, with the film earning nominations for Best Makeup and Best Visual Effects at the 65th Academy Awards. "Batman Returns" has since become a cult classic among Batman fans, with its unique visual style and memorable performances by its cast standing the test of time.
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Zahra Almailady is a wife and mom first but she discovered a passion for cinema and after graduating from UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television she dove into cinematography. Now Zahra writes movie reviews just for fun ad really enjoys it. Zahra loves reading, cooking, and windsurfing. She lives in New Zealand, with her husband two sons, and four cats.
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