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We're Here


We're Here


"We're Here" is an American television show that premiered in 2020. The show is a reality series that features drag queens who travel to small towns across the United States to help locals put on a one-night-only drag show. The show's goal is to bring together diverse communities and help them embrace and celebrate their differences through the art of drag.

Each episode of the show focuses on a different small town and its residents. The drag queens, who are all experienced performers, arrive in the town and work with a group of locals to create a drag show that represents the town's unique culture and history. The show highlights the personal stories and struggles of both the drag queens and the locals, as they work together to create a performance that is both entertaining and meaningful.

"We're Here" has received critical acclaim for its positive representation of the LGBTQ+ community and its efforts to promote acceptance and inclusivity. The show has been praised for its emotional depth and its ability to showcase the power of drag as a form of art and self-expression. Overall, "We're Here" is a heartwarming and inspiring show that celebrates diversity and encourages viewers to embrace their own unique identities.

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Bianca Neethling

When I'm not writing about movies and series, I spend most of my time traveling the world and catching my favorite West End shows. My life is also full of interesting books and I'm addicted to cooking. I believe that words can change the world, and I use them to inspire my readers.

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