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The Young Pope


The Young Pope


"The Young Pope" is a television series that premiered on HBO in 2016. The show follows the life of Lenny Belardo, a young and controversial American pontiff who becomes the first American pope in history. The series explores the political intrigue and power struggles within the Vatican, as well as Lenny's personal struggles with faith and identity.

The show was created by Paolo Sorrentino and features a talented cast, including Jude Law as Lenny and Diane Keaton as Sister Mary, a nun who serves as his closest advisor. The series has been noted for its stunning visuals, intricate plot, and strong performances. The show explores themes of power, faith, and the human condition, as Lenny tries to navigate the complex and treacherous world of the Vatican.

"The Young Pope" was critically acclaimed and received multiple award nominations during its one-season run. The show's success led to a follow-up series, "The New Pope," which premiered in 2020. The second series features a similar cast and explores similar themes, but also introduces new characters and storylines. The show has been praised for its bold and daring storytelling, as well as its ability to provoke thought and conversation about religion and the nature of faith.

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Anna Miko

Anna Miko enjoys writing more than reading books. But most of all she likes to write movie and series reviews. Being fond of classic cinema, she nevertheless is the author of many research works on contemporary visual arts. She also writes short essays on new movies and series helping others to navigate the world of modern cinema.

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