Jersey Shore TV Show is a reality show based in Seaside Heights, New Jersey. It follows eight young men and women that come to a popular vacation place to live, work and play. There's Angelina, Jenni "JWOWW", Mike "The Situation", Nicole "Snookie", DJ Pauly D, Ronnie, Sammi "Sweatheart" and Vinny all trying to find their way, but how can they do that when they keep hooking up, acting up and breaking up? One this is for sure, Jersey Shore TV Show is definitely entertaining and will keep you interested. Watch to see what trouble they get into next while having their fun.
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Zahra Almailady is a wife and mom first but she discovered a passion for cinema and after graduating from UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television she dove into cinematography. Now Zahra writes movie reviews just for fun ad really enjoys it. Zahra loves reading, cooking, and windsurfing. She lives in New Zealand, with her husband two sons, and four cats.
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