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Conan Without Borders


Conan Without Borders


Conan Without Borders is a popular American travel show hosted by comedian Conan O'Brien. The show aired on TBS in the US as a series of specials on O'Brien's talk show Conan, starting in February 2015. The series consisted of thirteen episodes, where O'Brien traveled outside the US to different countries, attempting to engage with locals and experience unique cultural aspects of the area.

O'Brien has a long history of featuring segments that occurred in the field, dubbed "remotes", ever since his first late-night show, Late Night with Conan O'Brien. These segments were some of his best-received, including a famous remote where O'Brien visited a historic, Civil War-era baseball league.

The international shows became very popular, winning an Emmy in 2018 and being nominated in 2019. O'Brien reflected that the show helped him fulfill his "greatest joy" in "trying to make people laugh that don't even speak English, don't know who I am. [...] It's a little bit of sort of diplomacy through comedy. I like to show that Americans are curious, we're humbled. We're okay to look ridiculous. It's okay if you laugh at us." In August 2021, O'Brien stated that he was interested in continuing Conan Without Borders in some capacity after the COVID-19 pandemic, with TBS stating in 2020 that the specials would continue to air on their channel.

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Emily Peacock

Undoubtfully, cinematography has been my passion since a very young age. Even now, watching a new movie or series always prompts me to ask a lot of questions to the author. Thus, every little essay about a title is definitely not a spoiler, but rather an attempt to explore the idea.

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