Party Down is a television series that aired on the Starz network from 2009 to 2010. The show revolves around a group of struggling actors and writers who work as caterers for various events in Los Angeles. Each episode features a different event, and the team must navigate their personal and professional lives while dealing with the eccentric clients they serve.
The main character, Henry, is a former actor who gave up his dreams of stardom and now works for Party Down catering. He struggles to balance his job with his desire to make it big in Hollywood. The rest of the team includes Casey, a comedian trying to make it big; Ron, a former actor who still believes he's a big deal; Kyle, a young actor with big aspirations; Roman, a sci-fi writer who struggles to fit in; and Lydia, the team's boss who tries to keep everyone in line.
The show received critical acclaim for its sharp writing and hilarious performances from its ensemble cast. Despite its popularity, Party Down was canceled after two seasons due to low ratings. However, it has since developed a cult following and is considered one of the best TV shows of its time.
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