"Barry" is an American dark comedy television series that premiered on HBO in March 2018. The show follows the life of Barry Berkman, a former Marine turned hitman who travels to Los Angeles for a job and ends up becoming involved in the local theater scene. While in LA, Barry discovers a passion for acting and wants to leave his violent past behind, but struggles to do so as he is continually drawn back into the world of crime.
The series is created by Alec Berg and Bill Hader, who also stars as the titular character. The show has received critical acclaim for its unique blend of dark humor and dramatic storytelling, as well as its excellent performances from the cast. The series has been praised for its exploration of themes such as trauma, morality, and identity.
The show has been well-received by audiences and critics alike, with its first season receiving 13 Emmy nominations and winning three awards. The series has continued to be a critical darling in subsequent seasons, with the show's writing, direction, and performances consistently earning high praise. Overall, "Barry" is a must-watch for fans of dark comedies and gripping dramas alike.
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