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"Starstruck" is a comedy series that first premiered on the BBC in 2021. It was created by Rose Matafeo, who also stars in the show, and co-written with Alice Snedden. The series follows the story of Jessie, a New Zealander living in London who has a one-night stand with a stranger on New Year's Eve. She later finds out that he is a famous movie star named Tom Kapoor, and the two begin to develop feelings for each other.

The show is a screwball comedy that explores the challenges of dating someone who is famous and the difficulties of maintaining a relationship in the public eye. It also deals with Jessie's personal struggles as she tries to balance her love life with her work and family.

The cast includes a range of talented actors, including Nikesh Patel as Tom Kapoor, Emma Sidi as Jessie's best friend and flatmate, and Minnie Driver in a special guest-starring role. The series has received positive critical reception for its fresh take on the romantic comedy genre, its diverse and inclusive casting, and its realistic portrayal of modern dating and relationships. A second and third season have already been commissioned, indicating the success and popularity of the show.

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Zahra Almailady

Zahra Almailady is a wife and mom first but she discovered a passion for cinema and after graduating from UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television she dove into cinematography. Now Zahra writes movie reviews just for fun ad really enjoys it. Zahra loves reading, cooking,  and windsurfing. She lives in New Zealand, with her husband two sons, and four cats.

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