"Amsterdam" is a movie that was released in 2022. It is a period mystery comedy thriller directed, written, and co-produced by David O. Russell. The movie features an ensemble cast including Christian Bale, Margot Robbie, and John David Washington, among others. The story is based on a 1933 political conspiracy in the United States known as the Business Plot. The plot follows three friends, a doctor, a nurse, and a lawyer, who reunite to uncover the mystery behind the murder of a retired U.S. general.
The film was shot in Los Angeles from January to March 2021, and it is Russell's first movie since "Joy" in 2015. "Amsterdam" was released in the United States on October 7, 2022, by 20th Century Studios. Although the movie received mixed reviews from critics, it was praised for its production design and cast performances. However, critics criticized Russell's screenplay and direction for its over-ambition and tonal inconsistency. The movie was unsuccessful at the box office, with the studio estimated to have lost $97 million.
Overall, "Amsterdam" is a star-studded movie that takes on a political conspiracy from the 1930s. While it boasts a talented cast and exceptional production design, it received mixed reviews from critics. The movie was unsuccessful at the box office, with the studio suffering significant losses. Nonetheless, it is an ambitious project that offers a unique blend of mystery, comedy, and thriller elements.
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Zahra Almailady is a wife and mom first but she discovered a passion for cinema and after graduating from UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television she dove into cinematography. Now Zahra writes movie reviews just for fun ad really enjoys it. Zahra loves reading, cooking, and windsurfing. She lives in New Zealand, with her husband two sons, and four cats.
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