At the time "Rules of Engagement" premiered on CBS, the network's average viewer was fifty-three years old and more devoted to "60 Minutes" than sexy badinage. Although committed to The Eye's Monday night youth movement, a few programming executives worried that David Spade's first-episode proclamation, "I do what I want. I date who I want. And I sleep with whoever will let me," would tank the new sit-com before it found its legs and voice. Instead, "Rules of Engagement" became a Monday night mainstay, a natural complement to "Two-and-a-Half Men" and "How I Met Your Mother." According to one pundit, "Rules of Engagement" shows "the three stages of sit-com love," comparing and contrasting a scoundrelly, scamming bachelor with both a love-struck, starry-eyed newly engaged couple and a jaded, open-eyed, realistic couple married to one another approximately forever. Although plots generally center on the fiancees, Jeff and Audrey, veterans of marriage, often save the show from life-threatening boredom. Patrick Warburton, poker-faced and intoning his lines in a deliciously monotone bass, makes the perfect foil to Russell, the bachelor's manic sex machine and Adam's ingenuousness.
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