"Reasonable Doubt" is a new American legal drama series that debuted on Hulu on September 27, 2022. Created by Raamla Mohamed, the show stars Emayatzy Corinealdi as Jacqueline "Jax" Stewart, a successful corporate defense lawyer in Los Angeles. She faces difficult cases and personal challenges while separated from her husband, Lewis, and dealing with a former client from her previous job as a public defender.
Jax's investigative team is led by Tim Jo as Daniel, and her colleagues include Christopher Cassarino as Rich Reed and Angela Grovey as Krystal Walters. The show's cast also features Aderinsola Olabode as Naima, Jax's daughter, Thaddeus J. Mixson as Spenser, Jax's son, and Michael Ealy as Damon Cooke, Jax's previous client recently released from prison.
In the series, Jax navigates high-profile cases, including one involving a billionaire client, Brayden Miller, played by Sean Patrick Thomas. Other recurring characters include Jax's closest friends, played by Tiffany Yvonne Cox, Nefetari Spencer, and Shannon Kane, and Perri Camper as Kaleesha Moore, a murder victim who accused Miller of sexual assault.
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