Where to Watch 

Prime Suspect


Prime Suspect


The new hit series Prime Suspect is a reboot of a crime drama already familiar to British television viewers. The strong female role is now played by Maria Bello in the U.S. version whereas Helen Mirren capably handled the rough and tumble female cop role in the original British version. We find out in the first few minutes exactly how not to approach Detective Timoney as she is simply not in the mood for small talk or flirting. Jane Timoney is a dedicated member of the NYPD and has plenty of "attitude". As with other female cop roles like Olivia Benson (played by Mariska Hargitay on Law & Order SVU), Mary Shannon of In Plain Sight, Kyra Sedgwick's Brenda Johnson from The Closer, and the original Police Woman herself, Angie Dickinson's Pepper Anderson the most difficult part of being a good looking female cop may be convincing others the can handle the job. So attitude goes a long way. Starring Maria Bello (ER, World Trade Center) who handle such cases as a raped and murdered woman after it happened in front of her small children. The case goes to her but is taken away by another detective who dies on the job, prompting her to demand it be returned to her. Aidan Quinn (Legends of the Fall, Nine Lives) is Lieutenant Kevin Sweeney who is often helpful to Jane.

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Bianca Neethling

When I'm not writing about movies and series, I spend most of my time traveling the world and catching my favorite West End shows. My life is also full of interesting books and I'm addicted to cooking. I believe that words can change the world, and I use them to inspire my readers.

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