Gentleman Jack is a British television series that premiered in 2019. The show is based on the real-life diaries of Anne Lister, a wealthy landowner and lesbian who lived in the early 19th century. The series explores Anne's life, her relationships with other women, and her struggle to be accepted in a society that was hostile to LGBTQ+ people.
The show is set in West Yorkshire, England, and the production design and costumes are meticulously researched to accurately reflect the time period. The series stars Suranne Jones as Anne Lister, and she gives a powerful performance that captures the complexity and wit of the historical figure. The show also features a diverse cast, including actors of color and LGBTQ+ actors.
Gentleman Jack has been praised for its historical accuracy, strong performances, and sensitive portrayal of LGBTQ+ issues. The show has been renewed for a second season, and fans are eagerly anticipating the continuation of Anne Lister's story.
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Anna Miko enjoys writing more than reading books. But most of all she likes to write movie and series reviews. Being fond of classic cinema, she nevertheless is the author of many research works on contemporary visual arts. She also writes short essays on new movies and series helping others to navigate the world of modern cinema.
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