"Deadly Women" is a television series that airs on the Investigation Discovery network. The show explores real-life cases of women who have committed murder or other violent crimes. The series uses interviews, reenactments, and archival footage to tell the stories of these women and the crimes they committed.
Each episode focuses on three cases that share a common theme, such as women who kill for money or women who kill their partners. The show also includes expert commentary from criminologists, forensic psychologists, and other professionals who offer insights into the motivations and psychology behind these crimes.
"Deadly Women" has been on the air since 2005 and has aired over 200 episodes. The show has been praised for its in-depth exploration of the crimes and its balanced approach to telling the stories of both the victims and the perpetrators. However, it has also faced criticism for sensationalizing the crimes and perpetuating stereotypes about women and violence.
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