War Birds is a 2011 movie from TMU Pictures directed by Michael B. Chait with screenplay written by Bryan Binder, Josh Staman and Richard Jefferies. War Birds pictures World War II aviation ace-pilots in their deathly illegal air duels. War Birds movie presents splendid shooting dogfighting set at the highest level. This is a great film for fans of realistic scenes of air combats. For information: World War II led to the need for a sharp increase in the rate of improvement of aircraft production. All countries involved in the war developed, modernized and made aircraft and aviation equipment, with new types of aircraft, for example, long-range bombers. Fighter escorts were needed for the success of heavy bombers, dramatically reducing the losses in combat against enemy fighters. By the beginning of World War II fighter aircraft is a well-formed class of equipment. Typically, major world powers of that time had a few basic types of fighters, differing both in flight characteristics, and by tactical application. For example, Germany had a fighter Me-109 and Me-110 in different versions. The U.S. also made significant progress in building fighter aircrafts greatly pictured in War Birds movie.
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Anna Miko enjoys writing more than reading books. But most of all she likes to write movie and series reviews. Being fond of classic cinema, she nevertheless is the author of many research works on contemporary visual arts. She also writes short essays on new movies and series helping others to navigate the world of modern cinema.
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