"The Book of Life" is a 2014 animated film that tells the story of Manolo, a young man who dreams of becoming a musician but is expected to follow in his family's bullfighting tradition. The movie takes place during the Mexican holiday Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, and explores themes of love, family, and identity.
The film features the voices of well-known actors, including Diego Luna as Manolo, Zoe Saldana as Maria, and Channing Tatum as Joaquin. The movie's stunning animation and vibrant colors were praised by critics, as were its positive messages and cultural representation.
"The Book of Life" was a box office success, grossing over $100 million worldwide. It has become a beloved movie for many, particularly within the Latinx community, for its celebration of Mexican culture and its uplifting message about following your dreams and being true to yourself.
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Undoubtfully, cinematography has been my passion since a very young age. Even now, watching a new movie or series always prompts me to ask a lot of questions to the author. Thus, every little essay about a title is definitely not a spoiler, but rather an attempt to explore the idea.
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