"Catwoman: Hunted" is an American animated superhero movie released in 2022 by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. The film is the 47th installment in the DC Universe Animated Original Movies line, based on the DC Comics character Catwoman created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane. The movie follows Catwoman's heist of a priceless jewel, which puts her in the crosshairs of both a powerful consortium of criminals and villains, Interpol, and Batwoman. The film is directed by Shinsuke Terasawa, with a script by Greg Weisman, and features a talented cast, including Elizabeth Gillies, Stephanie Beatriz, Jonathan Banks, and Lauren Cohan.
The film was praised for its stunning animation and voice acting, as well as its engaging storyline. The film's action sequences and plot twists were particularly well-received by fans of the DC Comics universe. OLM, a Japanese animation studio known for their work on the Pokémon anime series, provided animation services for the film through their Team Inoue.
Overall, "Catwoman: Hunted" is a well-crafted and entertaining addition to the DC Comics animated universe. The film's combination of exciting action, strong voice acting, and compelling storytelling makes it a must-see for fans of the character and the genre.
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