"Black-ish" is a popular American sitcom that premiered in 2014 and is still running. The show is centered around an African-American family, the Johnsons, who live in the wealthy and predominantly white neighborhood of Los Angeles. The series explores issues of race, class, and identity in a comedic way, while also touching on more serious topics.
The main character, Andre Johnson, is a successful advertising executive who struggles to balance his career with his family life. His wife, Rainbow, is a doctor and together they have four children. The show often features guest appearances from well-known celebrities, such as Michelle Obama and Tyra Banks, who add to the show's popularity.
"Black-ish" has been praised for its representation of African-American culture and for tackling sensitive issues in a thoughtful and humorous manner. The show has won numerous awards, including several NAACP Image Awards, and has been praised for its writing, acting, and direction. Overall, "Black-ish" is a show that has managed to both entertain and educate audiences on important issues in a way that is accessible and enjoyable to watch.
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